
actosol® Humic Acid Fertilizer

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• Increases yields of crops, vegetables & fruits
• Produces superior turf and deep roots
• Enhances uptake of fertilizers
• Replenishes depleted soils
• Promotes ecological balance

• By enhancing soil structure and fertility through the addition of vital organic matter in the soil;
• By efficient transfer of fertilizer nutrients and micronutrients because of the high chelation and cation exchange proportion of the active humic acid components of actosol
• By increasing moisture holding capacity of soil;
• By increasing microbial activity in the soil; and
• By enhancing plant cell biomass.

• Agriculture • Horticulture • Floriculture •Turf Management/Maintenance • Mine/Landfill reclamation • Dune stabilization • Road/Highway erosion control • Hydroseeding

actosolactosol is an organic biostimulant activator derived from a specialized coal referred to as leonardite. Leonardite is identical to natural humus which is the building block of natural organic matter in the soil. actosol improves stress tolerance, water retention, enhances chelating of plant nutrients and stimulates root mass and plant growth. It is formulated with natural humic and fulvic substances, the active components of soil humus. Today’s soils have become highly depleted in organic humus and even with high nutrient inputs, yields are suffering.

The use of actosol on agronomic crops has shown improved plant growth with potentially higher yields. In addition to agronomic crops, actosol® improves the physical (soil), chemical (nutrient efficiency), and biological activity (microbial activity) of turf, ornamentals, flowers, and trees in the landscape and in container grown plants. Other applications include mine and landfill reclamation, dune stabilization, road/highway erosion control and hydro-seeding. It is non-phytotoxic, economically priced, and provides improved agronomic features that can improve plant growth.


Derivatives of naturally occurring humus matter in soil, humic acids are the key ingredient in all actosol products. Humic acids are active elements in organic soils and are important for the conversion of fertilizer into available plant nutrients. Humic substances are a black to brown, highly functionalized carbon-rich macro-molecule.

Bioconversion is accomplished by adapting micro-organisms (derived from termites) to coal in the presence of other appropriate nutrient components. Bioconversion is achieved in a three-step process. First, in the hydrolytic and fermentation process, microbes convert the coal into volatile organic liquids. Second, the liquid, along with gases produced, are contacted with methane producing microbes that hydrogenate the acetate and CO2 into methane. Third, the methane is then separated and unconverted residual coal residue is converted into humic acid for formulating into agricultural and environmental products.

Humic substances are naturally occurring brown and black plant organic matter. They are comprised of humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin, which together are commonly referred to as “humus.” The importance of humus in agriculture has been known for centuries. Today, with the assistance of biotechnology, humic matter can play a major role in sequestering carbon. This averts the adverse consequences of climate change due to the excessive buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by the combustion of carbon fuels.

Humic substances are not only the largest component of soil organic matter, but they account for as much as 95% of the total dissolved organic matter in natural waters. Humic substances act as buffers and help counteract the adverse effects of acid rain on our environment. Most importantly, humic substances are a sizeable part of Earth’s enormous carbon pool.

Humic acids are the major component of humic substances. Humic acid is a highly functionalized carbon-rich macro-molecule. It contains more carbon than all living things. Humic acid exists in plants, soils, water, sewage biosolids and compost, and can be isolated from soft coals. Humic acid firmly retains water and is the buffer and matrix of many chemical and biochemical reactions in soils.

Why not…use humic substances derived from coal to capture micronutrients from acid mine drainage to produce organic crops?